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FAQ по построению карт в Duke 3D [12/12]
        I get a lot of email now about this FAQ, and on how to do stuff
        that's not in it.  Now that this is here...PLEASE do NOT email me with
        ANY questions that are in here.  I will not respond.  (sorry!)  Well,
        here's the question and answer portion of this FAQ:

        Q: My subway is going crazy!  It shoots rockets at me!  Help!
        A: The only way to get a subway to stop firing rockets is to
        take the parallaxing off of the cieling of the subway.
        Q: When I go into 3D mode, my screen gets all screwed up!
        A: Ok, people on #dukeedit, #duke3d, and others on the Apogee
        message base are tired of people asking this question.  It has
        been asked SO many times, and we're getting tired of it.  The
        answer has been posted SOOOOO many times, so PLEASE don't ask this
        on IRC, message bases, or email.  The answer to this question is
        Q: I tried making a fish tank.  When I look into the glass, I don't
        see water.  Am I doing something wrong?
        A: Yes, you are doing something wrong. :)  I have included TANK.MAP
        in the ZIP file.  If you cannot figure it out from there, basically,
        it is the brown glass texture (check example map for #) masked onto
        the wall as the glass.  The glass has a Palette # of 1.  Press the
        'T' key once in 3D mode to make it transparent.
        Q: How do I change the direction of a sprite?
        A: Go into 2D mode.  Point at the sprite and use the < and > keys
        to move the little tail.
        Q: BUILD keeps locking up!  Help!
        A: Well, it really is a shame that Apogee made an editor and won't
        support it.  But, the cause of this problem depends on where it
        is happening.  If you are scrolling textures when it locks up,
        it's usually caused by your hard disk.  You probably have a low-end
        piece of crap like Maxtor or Packard Bell.  Get a new hard drive is
        the only solution.  If it's anything else (like deleting sectors, etc)
        all I can suggest is save once a minute.  This sounds rediculous, but
        you, like me, will get used to it. (I have a maxtor hard drive :()
        Q: BUILD sucks.  Is there another editor available?
        A: No, not currently.  Sorry.
        Q: When I'm in editart, I can't see any or all of the graphics.  What
        should I do?
        A: You have to use KEXTRACT to extract the .ART files.  Use the
        following command line:
        Q: How do I import graphics into Editart?
        A: I am not really familiar with editart.  Sorry, I can't help you.
        Q: I'm sick of hearing the same old song in my level.  How do I
        change it?
        A: You don't, really.  It's not like DOOM where you could put different
        music into WADs.  You'll have to create your own .GRP file.
        Q: I've noticed an error in your FAQ. <error goes here>
        A: Thanks a bunch, I'll give you credit!  (this is one you SHOULD email
        Q: I'm having lots of trouble with something.  Where else can I go for
        A: Well, go to me.  Email the level to gmoser@gramercy.ios.com.  If
        you are using AOL, be sure to say what the name of the level is in the
        note, or I can't get it properly.  Only problem with asking me is that
        it's guaranteed fixed, BUT, it's not guaranteed that I'll remember to
        send you the fixed product.  After you send it, wait 2-3 days, and
        email me with the name of the MAP I sent you.  I'll send it back.
        Q: <thing that's not in here> is not in your FAQ.  I need help!
        A: Sure.  Just email.  I can do a lot more than what's in here. :)
        Q: How do I set difficulty levels?
        A: See section 4.39.
        Q: How do I make that cool lighting effect that looks like rippling
        A: You don't, at least not as a lighting effect anyway.  You put
        a certain texture on the wall.  The number is #853.
        Q: How do I place a sector effector?
        A: A sector effector is a sprite.  Go into 2D mode.  Place a sprite
        somewhere (press the 'S' key).  Go into 3D mode.  Point to the sprite
        you created, and press 'V'.  Change it to sprite #1, the sector
        effector.  Add appropriate tags.
        Q: How do I make a forcefield like in the space levels?
        A: It happens automaticly, if you look out into a sector with the
        BIGORBIT texture palallaxed as the floor and cieling.
        Q: What's the difference between pink and blue sprites?
        A: Pink sprites block you from going through, blue ones do not. You
        can toggle this in 2D mode by pressing 'B' while pointing at the
        Q: How can I make it so that my door frame doesn't go up and down
        with my door?
        A: Press the 'O' key in 3D mode while pointing at the door frame.


        7.1 MAP Authoring Template

        То же самое лежит в .ZIP. Заполните и приложите к уровню.

Title                 : Name of your level
Author                : Your name
E-mail                : Your email adress
Web Page              : Your URL, if you have one

Description           : Set the mood here

Additional Credits to : Anybody that you would like to thank for helping
you, etc.


* Play Information *

Episode and Level #   :
Single Player         : Yes/No
DukeMatch Level       : Yes/No
Difficulty Settings   : Yes/Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                  : New level from scratch/Modified (Map name)
Editor(s) used        :
Known Bugs            :

* Where to get this MAP file *

FTP sites:

BBS numbers:



        7.2 Uploading Your Level
        The final step is to upload your level.  Here are some good places
        to upload them:

        Send them to:

        Upload them to:
        (If you have it) AOL: Keyword: 3D Realms

        Post them to:

        Если вы держите дюковский сайт - сообщите мне, я поведаю о нем миру.
        * Это я. Пошлите мне ваш уровень. Я не просто хочу выложить его на
          свой сайт, но и посмотреть, как работает мой FAQ.

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