_Commandos II: Beyond the call of duty (отучалка от CD)_
1. Самый верный способ:
cd-check remove [cd-rem software]
00140EE5: 10 00
00142CC5: 15 00
2. Второй способ:
¦ Description : [w95][gms] Commandos II "Beyond the call of duty"
¦ Crack subject : Cd-rom check
¦ Crack made by : LiGHt DRUiD [iSS]
¦ Crack made at : Apr 14 1999 16:35:35
¦ Comments : после патча скопировать *.afp файлы в корень диска на
¦ Comments : проинтсаллирована игра
¦ Protection : [-----------------] %01
¦ Time for hack : 00:01:00
¦ Type of hack : jmp correction
Patch was made via CoMPare2UnLiMitEd v2.99.DOS from Professor Nimnull\\BfG
Difference(s) between coman_mp.exe & coman_mp.new
000FECF4: 75 74
_Constructor I (коды)_
speed471 - ускоpяет сетевую игpу
worker902 - покупка pабочего в любой момент вpемени
gangster822 - конвеpтиpов ть pабочего в гангстеpа в любой момент
weapons473 - пpикупить для гангстеpа любое оpужие
tenants127 - неогpаниченное число тенантов всех уpовней
fences673 - постpоить любой забоp
loans039 - взять сколько надо денег в банке
estates131 - пpикупить любой земельный участок
houses738 - пpикупить любой домик
build909 - пpи нажатии Ctrl пpи pазмещении домов дом стpоится мгновенно
actions674 - делать любые пакости на "easy"
gadgets337 - любые пpимочки к домикам
missions824 - по Alt-I пеpеключать миссии
complain840 - по Alt-C наpод пеpестает жаловаться
cadets552 - по Alt-P покупаются менты, по Alt-M - взятки гангстеpам
teams418 - менять команды в pежиме одного игpока
map751 - игpать на любой каpте с любым числом игpоков
_Daikatana (коды)_
You can only enable the console by having "console 1" in your
AUTOEXEC.CFG, CURRENT.CFG or user config file. You can also
enable it by passing "+set console 1" as a command-line parameter
to Daikatana.exe.
Here's a short list of some useful console commands:
CHEATS <value> 1 = cheats are turned on
GOD God mode/Invulnerable
NOCLIP Move through walls
NOTARGET Monsters don't see you
MASSACRE Kill all monsters and sidekicks
HEALTH <value> Give yourself health
WEAPON_GIVE_<value> Give yourself weapon in slot <value>
SCREENSHOT Takes a screenshot in TGA format
_Dark Reign (коды)_
In the game menu press SS ADN then type:
darkpower = max. power
darkinv = invulnerability
dark20000 = money value 20000
_Drak Colony (коды)_
Go into the "gamestat" sub-directory of dark colony. The text files
there can be edited like rules.ini for Red Alert.
You can change everything from health to weapon damage to speed.
Редактируйте файл rules.ini как в C&C.
Пример: меняете цену юнита на -9999 , тогда, когда он производится, у вас
прибавляется 9999 денег и т.д.
_Deer Hunter II (коды)_
dh2tracker - Shows the deer on the map and GPS
dh2shoot - Puts you in shooting range of nearest deer
dh2deadeye - ArrowCam! Follows your shot to the target
dh2honey - Attracts deer to your location
dh2circle - Attaches you to a deer (?)
dh2sightin - Sights-in your weapon without Target Range
dh2wright - Fly mode, 'nuff said
dh2doolittle - You will not spook animals
dh2flash - Makes you run very fast
dh2supaflash - Makes you run very fast like the Bionic Man
dh2thunder - Makes it thunder
dh2light - Makes it lightning
dh2rain - Makes it rain
dh2snow - Makes it snow
dh2blizzard - Cycles weather more quickly
dh2deerzilla - Giant deer (?)
camera set deer# - DeerCam! The number is for eyery different deer
camera set crow# - Crowcam!
camera set fox# - Foxcam!
camera set player - Look through the hunter's eyes
_Delta Force (коды)_
Hажмите [`] и затем введие пpиведенные ниже коды (после - [Enter]):
iwillsurvive -Бессмеpтие
takeittothelimit - Бесконечные патpоны
hitmewithyourbestshot - Пpоигpыш
raindropskeepfallinonmyhead - 5 выстpелов из аpтилеpии
closetoyou - Toggle AI
_Delta Force II (коды)_
Cheat Codes
While playing a game, press ` (the key below [Esc] and to
the left of 1) to display the console. Then, type one of
the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the
corresponding cheat function:
Result Code
God mode - thetrooper
Infinite ammunition - diewithyourbooyson
Reload ammunition - sunandsteel
Invisibility - stilllife
Unknown - revelation
Cheat Codes (demo version)
While playing a game, press ' to display the console.
Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter]
to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Code
God mode - imnotafraidtofight
_Diablo: Hellfire (мульти, квесты, бард)_
1. Create a text file called command.txt
2. Place it in your Hellfire directory
This will enable LAN and modem games and two new quests, the Cow Quest and the
Theo Quest. There will also be a new character class, the Bard.
_Driver (cheat)_
Can't complete the Training mission in Driver for the PC, but want to play
the game? Easy
Make a copy of the file DRIVER\DATA\MLADDER.DML first!
Edit the DRIVER\DATA\MLADDER.DML file in Notepad or a similar text editor.
Remove the two lines:
Save the file, then you can start Driver and go straight to the missions!!
_Dune 2000 (коды)_
Cheat procedure:
1. When the game starts, build two tiles right away.
This will make sure that there is only one place
that is needed to be changed.
2. Save the game and abort the mission.
3. On the main menu, press "Alt+Tab", so that you don't
have to quit the game to cheat.
4. Using scientific calculator find the corresponding
hex number for the cash you had in the game.
i.e. 4960 will give 1360.
5. Using hex editor, open the saved game.
6. Search for the hex value.
Remember that low two bit comes first. So, for example,
with 4960 cash, hex value is 1360. But you should look
for 6013, instead. Change that to 'ffffaa'.
It will give maximum amount of cash.
Don't try to "ffffff", because it'll cause the game to
crash. "ffffee" was the maximum value I was able to use
without crashing, but "ffffaa" gave me the same thing
7. Save the change and close the file.
8. Back to Dune 2000 and load the game.
Dune 2000 - HeXCheat -
When you start a mission (at least with the Atreides),
if you save it as soon as you start, your spice credits
will be stored in byte 24354 (hex). If you've already
made something in the game, the proper position will not
be exactly that, but it won't change much.
So far, I only noticed a change up to byte 24344 (hex).
I took the offset values with xe, an hex editor for dos,
which I use to edit all my savegames.
Hint: Unnecessary concrete slabs:
You do not need to put concrete underneath an entire
building. If the building has a dirt patch, just cover
the actual building portion and leave the dirt patch on
regular sand. This will save on spice and the number of
concrete slabs to be built.
_Earth 2140 (коды)_
1st step:
Find the earth800.bat OR earth640.bat in the earth
directory. It should look like this for the earth640.bat:
if not exist vxdldr.exe goto DOS
start /m vxdldr.exe
dos4gw game.exe x640
Now add the following commands to the file (MS WW)
to make it look like this:
if not exist vxdldr.exe goto DOS
start /m vxdldr.exe
dos4gw game.exe x640 MS WW
Do the same with the earth800.bat and the
first step is complete.
2nd step:
During the game, hold down the SHIFT key
and type the following commands:
rthcshe = gives you 5000 cash every time you type it in
rthshowmp = self-explanatory... shows the whole map
Water Battle Defense:
In case the water troops get too powerful,you should
build some WTP 100 air-cushion transporters and place
some SPIDER or SPIDER 2 units on them.
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