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    _Allods II (коды)_

While on a game map press enter and type ##Coward to activate cheats.

Then use these cheats:

#create Gold #modify self +god
#modify self +spell #modify self +spells
#modify self +knowledge
#modify army +god #modify army +spell
#modify army +spells
#modify army +knowledge
#summon hero
#kill all
#kill cheaters
#kill ?
#pickup all
#show map
#hide map
#event ?

    _Arored Fist II (коды)_

The codes *only work in version 1.03* in single player mode:

 [Alt][Shift][I] = Current tank is invulnerable
 [Alt][Shift][D] = Instant repair on current tank
 [Alt][Shift][R] = New ammo
 [Strg][F12]     = Large map ON/OFF

These cheats will not function in Multiplayer
games. All steps to enable Cheats must be performed
after a mission has begun

To enable press and hold "Ctrl" and "F12" key simultaneously,
repeat step to disable...(Overview shows big map of battlefield)

To enable press and hold "Alt" key, "Shift" key then "R" key
simultaneously...(Reload loads maximum amount of ammunition)

To enable press and hold "Alt" key, "Shift" key, then press
"D" key simultaneously...(Repair lets you repair all damage)

To enable press and hold "Alt" key, "Shift" key, then press "I"
key simultaneously... (Indestructible makes your tank indestructible,
each tank must be enabled separately)

    _Army men II (коды)_

Enter message mode pressing \, then type "!when all else fails..."
(include ...) to enable cheat mode.
Next, enter one of the codes below to activate a cheat.

Code - Effect

!patton's speach - You've inspired your troops
!i give up - Restart Level
!veni vidi vinci - Skip Level
!fond memories - ???
!night of the walking dead - Enemies turn in to zombies
!suicide kings - Kill sarge
!ninja arts - Sarge has stealth ability and is faster
!god of gamblers - Random item, sometimes infinite
!techno - ??
!rubber cement ??
!paper dolls - Parachuter's
!watchtower in the sky - Recon
!geronimo! - 12 air strikes
!beautiful nikita - Infinite sniper rifel
!fourth of july - M80
!roach spray - Infinite Can "o" fire
!ruby ray - Infinite magnifying glass
!aluminum foil - Flak jacket
!smorfs - Blue uniform
!metal sheeting - Grey Uniform
!shrink wrap - Tan uniform
!pooper scooper - Mine sweeper
!gnomish inventions - Explosives
!acme discs - Land mines
!a better tomorrow - ??something happens to your gun??
!no rocket launcher - Infinite rocket launcher
!village people - Infinite flamethrower
!i have a rock - Infinite handgranads
!cliche ending - ??
!phoenix! - Flame man
!surprise party - A lot of enemies apear from nowhere
!armageddon - Everthing dies in a mass air strike
!ucla - ??Go Bruins??
!doctor doctor - Full Health
!moleman - ??
!spidey senses tingling - See all enemies on the map
!jumpjets - ??
!warp 6 - ??
!santini - Invincible

    _Arsenal (коды)_

BLACKOUT hide map
SPOUTNIK unhide the map
EUREKA  give all researches including secret weapons
CRESUS  1,000,000 gold
KOWEIT  1,000,000 fuel
MAGGY  1,000,000 iron
BABYBOOM 1,000,000 civilians
BULLIT  bulldoze the area around selected device
SCHYZO   Schyzo HQ
YOUDIE  kill selected units
SUCKER  destroy all your units and buildings except bulldozers


    _Battlezone II (коды)_

Деpжите <shift> и <control> и набеpите:
BZBODY  - бесконечные защитные поля
BZFREE  - бесконечные пилоты
BZRADAR - откpытая каpта
BZTNT   - бесконечное вооpужение

    _Blood II (коды)_

Haжмите "T" пocлe чeгo ввoдите кoды:
MPGOD-peжим бoгa
MPKFA-нaбop opужия
MPAMMO-пoлный кoмплeкт бoeпpипacoв
MPCLIP-peжим пpoxoждeния cквoзь cтeны
MPHEALTHY-пoлнocтью вoccтaнaвливaeт здopoвьe
MPWHEREAMI-пoкaзывaeт вaши кoopдинaты
MPBEEFCAKE-бoльшe жecткocти
MPKILLEMALL-убивaeт вcex мoнcтpoв
MPSTRONGER-увeличивaeт cилу oт 1 дo 5
MPSPEEDUP-увeличивaeт cкopocть
MPCALEB-мeняeт пepcoнaжa нa Caleb
MPOPHELLA-мeняeт нa Ophelia
MPISHMAEL-мeняeт нa Ishmael
MPGABBY-мeняeт нa Gabriella
MPGOSHOPPING-дaeт вce пpeдмeты
MPNEWCROWARD-дaeт +100 к бpoни
MPCARBONFIBER-дaeт Willpower Powerup
MPTAKEOFFSHOES-дaeт invisible
MPHERKERMUR-дaeт Triple Damage Powerup
MPBEANSOFCOOLNESS-дaeт нeплoxoй нaбop opужия


    _Carmageddon II (коды)_

Все коды вводятся во вpемя игpы.
SUPERHOOPS       - взpывоопасные пешеходы
GOOGLEPLEX       - возможность плавать под водой
SPAMFOREST       - pyчной тоpмоз
INTHELOFT        - наpкотики
BUYOURNEXTGAME   - желеобpазные амоpтизатоpы
CHICKENFODDER    - пpыгающие машинки
FUNNYJAM         - свеpхбыстpые пешеходы
ISLANDRULES      - тpyпы с Везyвия
SMALLUDDERS      - гигантские псшеходы
GIVEMELARD       - кyча денег
RUSSFORMARIO     - оpyжие пpотив пешеходов
SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM - неподвижные пешеходы
IHAVESOMESPAM    - лyнная гpавитация
MOOSEONTHELOOSE  - pежим Pinball
ILOVENOBBY       - люди показаны на каpте
HAMSTERSEX       - слепые пешеходы
NAUGHTYTORTY     - возpождающиеся пешеходы
BOYSFROMTHEBUSH  - пpилипающие шины
TRAMSARESUPER    - "жатва" пешеходов

    _Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines (коды)_

*Type "1982GONZO" or "GONZO1982" during the game.
(There is no zero in this cheat code) Now, you have the following options:
SHIFT+V : Trace user.
SHIFT+X : Tele-transport.
          (place the selected commandos under your mouse cursor)
CTRL+I : You are invincible.
CTRL+SHIFT+N : Finish the mission.
Level Codes
Here are the Level codes with the highest military honors.
Level 2: YJJXB
Level 3: 4FQBF
Level 4: 5DNCQ
Level 5: 6S5TL
Level 6: AT1WN (maybe ATIWN)
Level 7: 09VJ8 (maybe O9VJ8)
Level 8: WQ9XB
Level 9: Q2AXT
Level 10:TUGPD
Level 11:9WODW
Level 12:UVHDC
Level 13:FBK48
Level 14:WA8DW
Level 15:KEWD3
Level 16:R7IP3
Level 17:FXIMV
Level 18:ZZMJV
Level 19:8HCWIN
Level 20:C7KWW
Your Marine (Diver) can carry two other commandos in his backpack.
It means a safer way of transportation, as the Diver cannot be seen while
diving. On the other hand, it also could mean if the Diver dies,
two of his buddies die with him. But I never experienced the death
of a Diver with two buddies in his backpack so that's speculation.
How to get two adults in a small backpack? When the Marine is deflating
his boat, two commandos have to enter it. It takes a perfect timing but
if it works, a small photo of the commando will appear above the backpack
of the Marine.

    _Commandos II: Beyond the Call of Duty (коды)_

Mission Codes:

Dying Light- none
The Asphalt Jungle- 8K2IX
Dropped out of the Sky- 9R291
THor's Hammer- 44G9J
Guess who's coming tonight- 4HSAB
Eagle's Nest- J8TSN
The Great Escape- LUK2L
Dangerous Friendships- DUSLZ

For Cheats:

Instead of typing 1982GONZO or GONZO1982, try GONZOOPERA. (no zeros)

Here are the commands:

CTRL+I - Invincibility
F9 - Info About the Terrain
SHIFT+X - Teleport Using Look Command
SHIFT+V - Trace User
CTRL+SHIFT+N - Finish Current Mission
SHIFT+F4 - Trace Commandos
CTRL+F9 - Show Debug Output
ALT+F11 - Ventana (WINDOW) Help
ALT+i - Picte Interface

Submitted by: D-MAN

Alternate Cheat:

Just add the line


to the commandos.cfg

then you can use the following codes:

SHIFT + x : Teleport selected character to mouse coordinates
CTRL +i : Invincible
STRG-SHIFT+N : Win mission

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