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To: FAQServer 2:467/126
============ Cоставитель: Peter V. Chernikoff 2:5020/2091 =====================
========== Дополнения и исправления: Andrey Slusar 2:467/126 ==================
Soft: ifmail
Desc: mailer, gate
URL: ftp://ftp.average.org/pub/ifmail/
OS: Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Unixware, SCO, AIX
Soft: qico, qico-si
Desc: mailer
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/qico
OS: Linux, FreeBSD
Soft: bforce
Desc: mailer
URL: http://adb.newmail.ru
OS: Linux, FreeBSD
Soft: bforce-kst
Desc: mailer
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/binkleyforce/
OS: Linux, FreeBSD
Soft: binkd
Desc: ip-only mailer
URL: ftp://cvs.happy.kiev.ua/pub/fidosoft/mailer/binkd/
OS: *nix*
Soft: BTerm-XE
Desc: mailer
URL: http://btxe.ml.org/
ftp://ftp.ocnit.tsu.tula.ru/pub/binkley/ - for Linux
OS: Linux, FreeBSD, (?)
Soft: fidogate
Desc: gate, tosser, areafix, filefix
URL: ftp://ftp.fido.de/pub/fidogate/
OS: all UNIX
Soft: fidogate-ds
Desc: gate, tosser, areafix, filefix
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rusfidogate/
OS: all UNIX
Soft: hpt
Desc: tosser, areafix
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/husky/
OS: Linux, *BSD, AIX, Solaris, (?)
Soft: qecho/qded
Desc: tosser, reader, areafix
URL: http://www.nbx.ru/qecho/
OS: Linux, FreeBSD, AIX, Solaris, IRIX, (?)
Soft: crashmail
Desc: tosser, areafix
URL: http://www.df.lth.se/~billing
www.vega.mirea.ac.ru/~cmy - patch
OS: Linux, FreeBSD, (?)
Soft: FEddi
Desc: tosser, editor
URL: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/fido/
OS: Linux, (?)
Soft: SqWish
Desc: node tosser
URL: http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/Myrtle/216/index.html
OS: Linux, *BSD, SCO
Soft: dummytossr
Desc: tosser, point only, msg only, intel only
URL: http://destroy.rsuh.ru/now/warez.html
OS: Linux, SCO, Unixware, (?)
Soft: ParToss
Desc: tosser, areafix
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/partoss
OS: Linux
Soft: Golded
Desc: editor
URL: http://www.goldware.dk/
OS: Linux, FreeBSD, (?)
Soft: Golded+
Desc: editor
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/golded-plus
OS: Linux, FreeBSD, (?)
Soft: msged
Desc: editor
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/husky
OS: Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris
Soft: htick
Desc: filefix
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/husky
OS: Linux, FreeBSD, AIX, Solaris, (?)
Soft: FidoTools
Desc: fileecho processor
URL: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/fido/
OS: Linux, (?)
Soft: gtic
Desc: fileecho processor
URL: ftp://ftp.cracksoft.kiev.ua/pub/linux/gtic/
OS: Linux, FreeBSD, (?)
Soft: filefix
Desc: filefix
URL: ftp://oskin.ru/pub/linux/fido/
Vers: 1.8.3
OS: *nix*
Soft: ProTic
Desc: fileecho processor
URL: http://www.ldknet.org/~ssilbe/
OS: Linux
Soft: TMAfix
Desc: areafix, autocreate
URL: ftp://tma.spb.ru/pub/unix/fido/
OS: Linux, FreeBSD, (?)
Soft: ftrack
Desc: tracker
URL: http://ufm.kgb.ru/
OS: Linux, *BSD, AIX, (?)
Soft: ftrack-as
Desc: tracker
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ftrack-as/
OS: Linux, *BSD, AIX, Solaris, MacOS X, (?)
Soft: mntrack
Desc: tracker
URL: http://www.mnsoft.ru/
OS: Linux, FreeBSD, SCO Open Server
Soft: lxtrack
Desc: tracker
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/husky/
OS: Linux, FreeBSD
Soft: itraxp
Desc: tracker
URL: http://itraxpl.sourceforge.net
OS: Linux, FreeBSD, (?)
Soft: FMA (Fidonet Mail Access)
Desc: library
URL: http://www.kvitek.com/fido/
OS: Linux, *BSD, (?)
Soft: ifqman
Desc: Command-line BinkStyle outbound manager
URL: ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/fido/
OS: Linux, *BSD, AIX, SCO Open Server, (?)
Soft: ProMkNL
Desc: nodelist tool
URL: http://www.ldknet.org/~ssilbe/
OS: Linux
Soft: ifextrp
Desc: external FREQ-processor (Serg Oskin)
URL: ftp://ftp.braz.ru/pub/fido/ifmail/
Soft: ifextfreq
Desc: external FREQ-processor (Maxim Timofeyev)
URL: ftp://sky.chph.ras.ru/pub/fidonet/ifmail/
OS: (?)
Soft: TNS Drive
Desc: BBS Software
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tnsdrive/
OS: Linux, FreeBSD, (?)
Soft: UUECoder
Desc: Program to uuencode files and send it via FidoNet
URL : http://ppuf.narod.ru
OS : Linux, *BSD
Soft: hpucode
Desc: echo-uudecoder
URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/husky/
OS: Linux, *BSD, AIX, Solaris, (?)
Soft: QFE
Desc: editor
URL: http://qfe.sourceforge.net/
OS: Linux
Soft: ftnhttp
Desc: http-based mailer
Url: http://mskomi.ru/~dt
OS: Any (requires Perl)
Soft: Binkley Mail Packer (bmp)
Desc: tracker
URL: http://rampitec.spb.ru/
OS: Linux
Soft: JamNNTPd
Desc: NNTP server that allows newsreaders to access a JAM messagebase.
URL: http://www.df.lth.se/~billing
OS: Linux, *BSD, (?)
Dmitry Terentiev ............. 2:5003/58
Alexander Shiyan ............. 2:5030/39.2
Michael Kulinich ............. 2:5015/138.36
Nicol Morozov ................ 2:5020/991
Alexey Dmitriev .............. 2:5020/636
Alexei Takaseev .............. 2:5071/22
Valery Shishkov .............. 2:5040/9
Arseny Yakushev .............. 2:5020/1627
Dmitry the Zuryanovich ....... 2:5020/730
Dmitry Dmitriev .............. 2:5047/43
Akzhan Abdulin ............... 2:5040/55
Alexey Wasilyev .............. 2:5053/25
Serguei Revtov ............... 2:5021/11.10
Dmitry Afanasiev ............. 2:5030/432.8
Leonid Kilasoniya ............ 2:5022/68
Alexander Makarovich ......... 2:5074/4
Nickolay Parfenov ............ 2:5053/44.1
vadim s sabinich ............. 2:5070/665.264
FAQServer 2:467/126 03 Dec 07
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